Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pacing Ourselves

So, the students did a full 4.5 days this week working our way up to the
big 5 day next week. Some of you might prefer to load up on carbs on
Sunday, some have been front loading the vitamins, others might simply get
a lot of sleep, I will try all three and add plenty of hydration to the
mix so as not to wither away by Friday.

This week science classes were all prepping for upcoming labs either by
reviewing safety procedures or breaking down the scientific method. It
always enjoyable to go through classes of one specific content area
throughout all of the grades to see the similarity in expectations and yet
the differences in how students are exhibiting their knowledge as they
become more and more thoughtful and articulate as they progress each year.

I was also able to enjoy a fantastic presentation by one of our Stony
Brook parents who shared with students her work as an engineer and the
work her company is doing in the world of 3D printing. I honestly had no
idea that we were already able to print food using this technology. It was
great to have her visit some classes and we appreciate the time she was
able to donate to come in
and speak with our students. Many of us have jobs that we either didn't
consider, didn't know about, or didn't even exist when we were 12-14 years
old. Part of preparing out students for their futures means to expose them
both to professional worlds outside of their daily sphere of understanding
as well as encouraging them that we also had no reference point for many
of our careers when we were their ages.

In a few weeks we will have our curriculum nights (6th grade on 9/27 w/
7th & 8th grades on 10/6) which will provide you all an opportunity to
get a small sense of the students typical day here at Stony Brook. They
are not designed as conferences and do not afford opportunities to have
individual conversations about students like the meetings we will have in
December, but remember that you can contact teachers via email at any
point throughout the year if you have specific questions about student
work or concerns about progress.

Speaking of contact, many of you have heard me say already that the 50%
rule is very helpful in maintaining strong home to school communication (
for those of you who don't know...I'll explain it at curriculum night!).
If you hear something that simply doesn't sound right or conflicts with
what we express as our priorities as educators, please reach out to us
ask. Clarity can easily get lost in translation.

Next week, the construction taking place on Farmers' Way will include
excavating into the road to establish water lines connections near the
entrances to our parking lots.
A police detail will be present and it should not have a major impact on
our traffic, but they wanted to inform us ahead of time.  I appreciate
your patience in advance and if there are any concerns please contact me
and I will relay the information to the contractors.

Please take time to read the announcements I have included below for
resources and activities for our families.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Dr. Christopher Chew
Stony Brook School


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