Monday, February 29, 2016

A Leap Day Update: Special Edition

Couldn't resist the urge to celebrate this extra-special day with an update...

For those of you looking for the weekly missive last Friday, my sincerest apologies.  The flu compromised my ability to string somewhat coherent thoughts...well, as coherent as they usually get...together into what would be a productive use of your time.  I thought about sending out an Oscar Update, but the ability to timestamp this message with the date 2/29/2016 was far more intriguing.  So, let's hop to it...

Before being sidelined with a ridiculous fever, I was able to enjoy visiting some classes earlier last week where strings were coming together more than just coherently but beautifully and strategically, as well.  It was wonderful to see the orchestra students sight-reading very difficult Mozart pieces while collaborating in quartets.  The importance of being able to listen effectively to their partners was magnified by the fact that Ms. Ottesen was not conducting them and they were being stretched outside their comfort zones.  She was able to circulate and spend time giving each group individual feedback on their work.  Mr. Desmond's Engineering classes were beginning to look at the components of a hydraulic system designed to operate a movable arm.  Students will ultimately design their own arm and make decisions as to how they would like to best incorporate the hydraulics for maximum efficiency and string together a system of tubing that will be operated by three different manually triggered hydraulic pumps.

For those of you with a heart for service, you will appreciate the work our Westford representative to Project 351, Emily Blagg, is doing as she is organizing a special event to help support Crayons to Cradles.  She asked me to the include the following message to help spread the word:

  • Come see Westford's finest talent at our new fundraising talent show, Westford in Tune, supporting Cradles to Crayons on April 1st. Auditions for Stony Brook participants are taking place on March 11th, right after school. Admission for the show is a few gently used articles of clothing for children in need, ages 0-12. We are encouraging students grades 6-8 from both Stony Brook and Blanchard to participate and attend this special event. Spread the word to all in Westford and help support a great cause! Anyone unable to attend the performance can still contribute by sending in any like-new shoes and clothes to the donation bins that will be placed all around the school starting on March 21st and ending on April 1st. Thank you all for you support towards Cradles to Crayons and the children they are serving.

I would like to extend a special thank you to Ms. Jennifer Woodard and all of the parents who have helped her organize the Washington DC Scholarship Fund Restaurant events and additional thanks to all of the families participated in the Chili's and 99 events.

The next event is at Five Guys in March, date to be determined.  The final event is at Panera on April 14th from 3 - 8.  More information and flyers to follow.  Also, the committee would like to send a shout out to the 8th graders who submitted a drawing for the T-shirt design contest.  The students will vote on the final drawing and T-shirts will be sold for $10.

As a reminder, district mathematics curriculum coordinators, Mrs. O'Gorman and Mrs. Coughlin, will be holding informational meetings for parents in grades 4-7 to communicate details of this process. These meetings are scheduled for March 2 at 6:30 p.m. at Blanchard and March 7 at 6:30 p.m. at John A. Crisafulli Elementary School.  Please read the Math Information Nights Notice for more information.

Finally, parents of students in grades 6 & 8 please read the letter from K-12 Wellness Coordinator, Mr. O'Leary, regarding the upcoming Youth Risk Behavior Survey found at this link: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Information

I hope the extra day has been enjoyable as we won't see it for another four years.  If not, don't worry you won't need to see it again for another four years.


A Lovely Update

First of all, I would like thank all of the phenomenal bakers and organizers who supported the WMSPTO Sweet for Teachers event.  The goodies were tremendous and clearly took skill and care to create!  With this drastic turn of weather, it was not only much appreciated, but also a great opportunity to potentially pack away some tasty calories if hibernation is in the near future.  It was lovely!

Many of the students expressed how lovely the impromptu long weekend was as well as they prepared for this longer break.  The ability to pace oneself is important and the shock of an entire week off could have negative effects on some regardless of the location.  During a leadership meeting this week, the superintendent shared with us that he will start sending out an email notification using the email listserves (such as this) if we have any more school cancellations in addition to notifying the TV stations and posting the announcement on the district website. Phone calls at 5:00 am while might bring joy to students ( who rarely hear the phone anyway) can create unnecessary agita for soundly sleeping adults.

On a personal note, I had a lovely treat over the weekend in that a group of 40 students and parents involved in our theater program traveled into Boston on Sunday to watch a production of Sondheim on Sondheim in which I have been performing.  When given the opportunity to talk with some of the actors after the show, the Stony Brook students made us all proud with their astute questions and insightful comments.  No surprise there!

A lovely video was shared with me recently that I thought I would pass on as well as it deals directly with one of the many benefits of the upcoming vacation: the importance of relaxing and rejuvenation.  The video deals more with the dangers of stress, but if can watch the 5 minute video you will see it is encouraging as to how taking the time to focus on your breathing can result in great rewards.  Ted Ed Results of Stress on the Brain

Representatives from Westford Academy visited our 8th graders this week in preparation of the course selection process.  I hope parents of 8th graders were able to attend the information night this past Weds.  The teacher recommendations are available to review at this time and when we return from break 8th grade students will have the week to discuss placement recommendations and select elective courses for next year at WA.  If you have any questions, please let us know and if we are not able to answer them we will direct you to the appropriate resources at WA as we prepare to support our 8th graders transition to high school.

When we get back from the break, I will get back into the regular routine of sharing glimpses from various classes and each grade levels activities to help give you a slice of our week as I make my rounds throughout the building.

If you are available and have not spent all of your budgeted dining-out options on Valentine's Day (that was my subtle reminder for anyone who might in get in trouble for me), please consider supporting the Washington DC Scholarship program by visiting the 99 Restaurant on Feb 16. It would be lovely! They are asking that participants use the coupon found at this link: 99 Restaurant Fundraiser

Please get some rest and do your best to stay healthy over the break.

Have a lovely vacation,


A Frozen Update

Do you want build a snowman?

Well, if you want to build a least you have that option now.  I will prefer to drink hot chocolate and watch the artistic creations of others at this point.  While I typically enjoy how all four of the seasons are so uniquely different here in New England, I must admit I had already emotionally prepared for spring and resigned myself to not enjoying a very snowy winter.  Oh well...

Hopefully, the snow day came as beneficial day for all of the students to do that extra work around the house that they never seem to have enough time to do during the week. 

Speaking of helping others...Thank you to everyone who participated in the Fundraising Event for the Washington DC Scholarships at Bamboo recently.  Over $800 were raised...$600 by patrons and Bamboo donated an additional $200.  We have additional Restaurant Fundraisers coming up, as well, if you were not able to participate or already did and still love looking for reasons to not cook! 

Well, since we did not lose electricity or Internet access... I can still remind everyone of a few upcoming events to remember:

  • Feb 10 WA is hosting the Curriculum Information Night for 8th Grade Families.  Building tours start @ 6:00 and the Information Session starts @ 6:30.
  • The previously scheduled Washington DC Scholarship Restaurant Fundraiser at Chili's is still taking place on Feb 10, as well.  Take-out orders are being included for those of you looking to grab a quick bite before heading to WA.  Families without 8th graders can also help contribute by eating out that night as the proceeds will benefit students in the future as well as this year.   Just remind the wait staff that you are there to support Stony Brook.
  • To complete the trio...Feb 10 is an early release day for Professional Development.  
  • On Feb 16 the 99 Restaurant is hosting a Fundraiser for the Washington DC Scholarship.  They are asking that participants use the coupon found at this link: 99 Restaurant Fundraiser

In addition to all of our food fundraiser reminders, we have been asked to remind everyone that snacks should not be eaten on the busses as we continue to support students with life-threatening food allergies.  Something innocently eaten in a bus seat on one trip could be very dangerous for a student sitting in the same seat on the next trip.

Finally, we are proud to announce that Stony Brook will be sending 11 students to perform in the Eastern District Music Festival this upcoming March at Lincoln-Sudbury High School. Close to 1000 students from the Eastern District auditioned and only 472 were accepted to perform in the band, chorus, and orchestra ensembles.

The following students were chosen to participate in this highly competitive music festival:

Nathaniel F., Sophie J., Kelly K., Grace P., Jonathan R., Cordelia R., Claire S., Megan W., Lucy X. Jerry X., Koko X.

We are extremely proud of not only these students but all of those who had the courage to prepare for and take this highly competitive audition. Please join us in wishing them well as they prepare for their performance in March!

Special thanks and congratulations goes to Ms. Ottesen, Ms. Garino, and Ms. Watson for their work in helping the students prepare this opportunity.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Monday, February 1, 2016

2nd try...Prepping for Punxsutawney Phil now with the CORRECT link...update

With little to look forward to in regard to upcoming sporting events, I find myself in more anticipation of whether the weather will or will not be favorable based on Phil's ability to see his shadow or not next Tuesday.  While the weather has not been typical January fare, it has still contributed to discomfort for some and we have still seen the typical increase in seasonal colds.  Not sure what Phil will have to say about all of that.

On a more serious note and in regard to illness, we received an important notice from the Westford Health Department which I have now made available in the following CORRECTED link (sorry for those of you who already saw the WA letter twice):

Another very important link included in this week's update is included in preparation for the transition process for 8th grade students as they begin planning for next year.

Families of current 8th grade students please take the time to access and read the following letter from Westford Academy Principal, Mr. Antonelli, regarding their upcoming Curriculum Information Night scheduled for February 10, 2016:

As part of the transition process, representatives from WA will be visiting Stony Brook 8th graders on February 11 to present information about the upcoming course selection procedures and opportunities available to students at WA.  Additionally, the portal to view teacher recommendations for WA courses is scheduled to be open in both iStudent and iParent by 2:00pm on February 12.  8th graders will be able to discuss recommendations with teachers when we return from the February break and can enter their elective choices that entire week between February 22 to February 26.  WA counselors are working closely with Ms. Ewing here at Stony Brook to help guide students through this process.

Enjoy your weekend!
