The weather was not ideal, but the Cookout was well received by all...including three special visitors: a crow, a seagull, and a little bitty field mouse. Each grade had a special animal visitor appear while the students were enjoying their extended time outside looking up at the clouds and breathing in the nice cool fresh air. The 7th graders volunteered to lend a hand helping to clean up some of the stray lunch items that had been liberated by the wind during the 6th and 8th grade lunches. We thanked them for their assistance and gave them even more time to enjoy themselves outside before heading inside to class. I was very proud of all three grades as they consistently thanked all of the adults involved in putting this special celebration together for them. Special thanks goes out to our entire Cafeteria Staff for organizing and preparing everything and Mr. Harbaum and Mr. Scott for setting up the grill and tables.
6th grade Curriculum Night was very well attended last evening and I hope everyone there enjoyed it as much we did. If you sent a representative from your household and he or she did not return until very late in the evening...I did get long-winded and will support whatever time they said the event ended:?) I want to thank all of the parents who were able to join us last night or the week before for our 7th & 8th Grade Curriculum Night; my apologies to anyone who attended both and had to listen to my jokes twice. The purpose of the events is to Open Communication and give parents a glimpse of what the students are experiencing on regular strange sense of humor is one of those things they learn to endure, as well...unfortunately, the Grizzly Adams reference would be completely lost on them.
As mentioned again last night, coming soon to a theater near you...
Join The Westford Education Foundation For A Screening Of Beyond Measure
Westford prides itself on the many talented educators, rich resources, and tiered supports the school system offers students to meet the needs of all learners. The school system continuously reflects on daily efforts to enhance and maintain the best teaching practices in an ever-changing world. Over the past several years, Westford Public Schools have placed a strong emphasis on students’ personal growth, inquiry-based learning, social and emotional development, and tapping into students’ interests. But could more be done?
Those are just some of the topics highlighted in the new documentary, Beyond Measure, a follow up to Race To Nowhere. Sponsored by the Westford Education Foundation, the film will be shown on Thursday, October 13, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the Westford Academy Performing Arts Center. A panel discussion will be held following the film, which is free and open to the public.
The Westford Education Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to innovative educational initiatives and life-long learning. For more information, contact Mary Anne Seraphin at or go to
Today felt like October. That's all I have to say about that.
Have a great weekend,
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