A slanted update of messy progress!
Students rushed out of the building this afternoon eager to get home and log-in to check their first term progress reports. Mr. McElhinney told me it was just because of the gorgeous weather outside, but I could tell they were excited to get home and begin a very thoughtful dialogue about their current progress through the first term. But then again, it was a beautiful afternoon.
For those of you joining us for the first time for this annual festivity, first term progress reports can be located through the iParent portal. They were posted around 2:30 today. Each progress report is uploaded as a PDF file in the student's iParent account.
You can access the report following this process:
To access Progress Reports & Report Cards
Open Iparent:
: Documents - Report Cards
Available Document Labeled SBGrade_(PR(Term 1)
Go to View : open with an adobe file.
Clear as mud.
Next Weds night (Oct 19) will be the Parent Information Session for the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. It will run from 6-7 in the auditorium. It is an informational session only. No sign-ups are required at this time. This is just an opportunity to hear directly from the coordinators and get any questions answered that you might regarding the trip.
Special update for anyone visiting in the near future, I am not sure if it is strictly a security concern or merely prejudiced bias but I learned quickly this week that our 6th grade math classes have officially been designated Slanted Fraction Free Zones. I mistakenly used a / or solidus instead of an -- or Vinculum and I was promptly asked to leave the room. I will certainly not make that mistake and risk writing 13/4 which can easily be mistaken as 13 divided by four rather than using the vinculum or horizontal line which would allow me to more correctly communicate one and three fourths. My apologies to all of the 18/3 (th) graders who saw me use the solidus instead of the vinculum and to all math etymologists who are appalled at my over simplification and or butchering of the correct mathematical vernacular.
Just because we don't want to get overly confident that germs don't exist in any of our schools, we were asked to share information about Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease with everyone as some of the other schools in the district were feeling left out of the MRSA update from last week. We have not been given any information indicating that we have any cases of this at Stony Brook at this time, but we are reminding students to wash their hands. I am thankful to say that we do not need to spend time here reminding them not to kiss each other.
School Nurse Update:
A few students in the district have been diagnosed for with hand, foot, and mouth disease. It is caused by a group of viruses called enteroviruses. It usually begins with a mild fever, poor appetite, malaise, and sore throat. One or two days after the fever begins, sores develop in the mouth, usually on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks. A skin rash, usually located on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, with flat or raised red spots and sometimes blisters, develop over 1-2 days. The rash usually doesnít itch. Most people get sick 3-7 days after being exposed to the virus. The disease is usually mild, and nearly all patients recover without medical treatment in 7-10 days.
TRANSMISSION: Infection is spread person-to-person by direct or indirect contact with stool, nose and throat discharges, saliva, or fluid from the blisters. The virus can be transmitted from hands or objects to other peopleís hands and mouths. A person is most contagious during the first week of the illness.
Washing your hands with soap and water.
Disinfecting dirty surfaces and soiled items.
Avoid close contact such as kissing, hugging, or sharing eating utensils or cups with infected people.
Please see information from the Center for Disease Control for more information.
For those of you hoping to find this as an entertaining read on your Friday night, I am sorry for you on many levels, but I assure you I will do my best to keep next weeks update as clean as possible.
Have a great weekend!
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