Monday, October 24, 2016

A Crumby Update! (posted on SB Website on Oct 21)

A crumby update!

An unexpected outcome of early preparations for Halloween was having an entire conversation with parents today while donut crumbs lingered in my grizzly adams facial hair.  Initially, I thought the conversation went very well, but the fact that they maintained their composure while I had food on my face impressed me even more once I discovered it.  Just another downside to looking like a character from a 70s TV show and a grim reminder that I shouldn't have been eating an apple cinnamon donut for breakfast.

Earlier in the week, I was able to have conversations without food on my face when talking with colleagues from other districts about the many wonderful things that our students are doing here at Stony Brook in and out of the classrooms.  They were very impressed to learn about all of the extra-curricular activities that our students participate in while still maintaining such impressively high academic performance.  Our students are very well-rounded and the variety of their interests supports both their academic and social emotional growth overall when kept in balance. Our challenge is to help them maintain the joy of learning and exploring their interests without letting it tilt into stress or unhealthy pressure.  We discussed at length the correlation between student interest and academic performance and how robust activities can directly support classes as students and teachers are able to make connections between the skills being developed in the classroom and those developed on the fields or in the garden or in the rehearsal rooms or during the variety of club meetings taking place throughout the building after the bell rings on any given day.  The other educators were impressed to see how we keep the quality of student-centered activities in line with the quantity.

The unfortunate part of our expansive opportunities is the need to collect activity fees.  Students participating in an afterschool activity (SBTA, Math Team, Speech and Debate, Fantasy Game Club, Art, Roller Hockey, etc.) are expected to pay a one time fee which is due at this time.  
Please turn in your fee to the office this coming week.  If you are unable to pay the fee, please contact me directly as we do not want any student to miss out on an opportunity due to the inability to cover a fee.  Visit our Activities page for more information and to download the activity fee payment form. 
The idea of quality combined with the fear of talking to people with food on my face reminds me that Thursday Oct 27 is picture re-take day!  O'Connor studios will be returning (hopefully, without another impromptu fire drill) to photograph students who were absent on the original picture day or for those who need to have another portrait taken.  If you would like to order pictures, please use the original order form, or pick up a new form in the office.  For students (or parents) wishing to have the pictures retaken, return the original package to the photographer on retake day.  No order form is necessary.

While on the subject of order forms, our 6th graders will soon get the opportunity to meet with Newbery Medal-winning author, Jack Gantos, when he visits Stony Brook 6th graders on November 18 sponsored by the WMSPTO. Don't miss an opportunity to have him sign a book for your child that they can treasure forever. You can send in a book or pre-order one through the WMSPTO at a significant discount. Note that the pre-order is for BMS and SBS 6th graders ONLY.

The 3rd floor was glowing pink in the rain today.  The entire 7th grade participated in Pink Day to honor those impacted by breast cancer. It was a heartwarming sight to watch nearly 187 students dressed in pink mixed among the 6th and 8th graders enter the building under the grey clouds and light drizzle this morning and climb the three flights of stairs to their advisories.

Last Wednesday night, the coordinators for the 8th grade trip to Washington DC held an informational session. Forms to register for the Washington DC trip are available in the main office or on the Stony Brook website.  The conduct contract is due the Stony Brook by Friday October 28, signed by both student and guardian.  This contract lets us know that you are at least considering registering for the trip.  Registration is done through Capitol Tours.  The registration deadline is December 2, 2016.  

Any parent who is willing to help with fundraising toward scholarships can let us know through the form below.  We appreciate any help in supporting all students who are interested in traveling with us.

We have utilized parent chaperones in the past when we did not have enough staff able to travel with the students on the trip.  If you are able to chaperone, please check with your student first, then let us know through the form below.  Chaperones would need a completed CORI and fingerprint check.  We will know if we will be in need of parent chaperones by the end of January.  

Volunteer and Chaperone sign up:  

Westford Parent Connection has released this year's Speaker Series.  The flyer can be accessed here.  I encourage everyone to review the series as many of the presentations are incredibly helpful for parents of middle school students.  This is an wonderful resource here in Westford and we need to help make more parents aware of it.

Finally, we have been asked to include this important notice from our Special Education Department:

If you know of any child attending public or private school, or who is homeless or has left school, and could benefit from a special education evaluation under Chapter 766 or educational services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, please contact the Special Education Department in Westford (978-692-5560).

Every effort will be made to contact the parents to advise them of their rights under these laws.

Thank you for assisting us in this important matter.

Have a wonderful weekend,


A slanted update of messy progress! (posted on SB website on Oct 14)

A slanted update of messy progress!

Students rushed out of the building this afternoon eager to get home and log-in to check their first term progress reports.  Mr. McElhinney told me it was just because of the gorgeous weather outside, but I could tell they were excited to get home and begin a very thoughtful dialogue about their current progress through the first term.  But then again, it was a beautiful afternoon.

For those of you joining us for the first time for this annual festivity, first term progress reports can be located through the iParent portal.  They were posted around 2:30 today.  Each progress report is uploaded as a PDF file in the student's iParent account.  

You can access the report following this process:

To access Progress Reports & Report Cards
Open Iparent:

Screen shot 2015-01-26 at 1.49.12 PM.png
: Documents  - Report Cards
Available Document Labeled SBGrade_(PR(Term 1)
Go to View : open with an adobe file.
Screen shot 2015-01-26 at 1.49.36 PM.png

Clear as mud.

Next Weds night (Oct 19) will be the Parent Information Session for the 8th grade trip to Washington DC.  It will run from 6-7 in the auditorium.  It is an informational session only.  No sign-ups are required at this time.  This is just an opportunity to hear directly from the coordinators and get any questions answered that you might regarding the trip.

Special update for anyone visiting in the near future, I am not sure if it is strictly a security concern or merely prejudiced bias but I learned quickly this week that our 6th grade math classes have officially been designated Slanted Fraction Free Zones.  I mistakenly used a / or solidus instead of an -- or Vinculum and I was promptly asked to leave the room.  I will certainly not make that mistake and risk writing 13/4 which can easily be mistaken as 13 divided by four rather than using the vinculum or horizontal line which would allow me to more correctly communicate one and three fourths.  My apologies to all of the 18/3 (th) graders who saw me use the solidus instead of the vinculum and to all math etymologists who are appalled at my over simplification and or butchering of the correct mathematical vernacular.

Just because we don't want to get overly confident that germs don't exist in any of our schools, we were asked to share information about Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease with everyone as some of the other schools in the district were feeling left out of the MRSA update from last week.  We have not been given any information indicating that we have any cases of this at Stony Brook at this time, but we are reminding students to wash their hands.  I am thankful to say that we do not need to spend time here reminding them not to kiss each other.  

School Nurse Update:

A few students in the district have been diagnosed for with hand, foot, and mouth disease. It is caused by a group of viruses called enteroviruses.  It usually begins with a mild fever, poor appetite, malaise, and sore throat.  One or two days after the fever begins, sores develop in the mouth, usually on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks.  A skin rash, usually located on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, with flat or raised red spots and sometimes blisters, develop over 1-2 days.  The rash usually doesnít itch.  Most people get sick 3-7 days after being exposed to the virus.  The disease is usually mild, and nearly all patients recover without medical treatment in 7-10 days.
TRANSMISSION:  Infection is spread person-to-person by direct or indirect contact with stool, nose and throat discharges, saliva, or fluid from the blisters. The virus can be transmitted from hands or objects to other peopleís hands and mouths. A person is most contagious during the first week of the illness.
Washing your hands with soap and water.
Disinfecting dirty surfaces and soiled items.
Avoid close contact such as kissing, hugging, or sharing eating utensils or cups with infected people.

Please see information from the Center for Disease Control for more information.

For those of you hoping to find this as an entertaining read on your Friday night, I am sorry for you on many levels, but I assure you I will do my best to keep next weeks update as clean as possible.

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A tough act to follow update! (posted on SB website 10/7)

Depending on how these messages fall in your could make for an interesting evening of reading.  Hearing from Supt. Olsen regarding health concerns (I'll let you read that separately as to not require a spoiler alert) does not pair well with the fun exciting updates I was planning to send on this beautiful October evening.  But he is right in that we are taking all necessary precautions and our custodial staff has been working tirelessly to address the concern.

Prior to learning of any health concerns directly related to Stony Brook, I met with the students during lunches on Thursday to discuss two specific things:  yes, we now have vending machines & NO, we will not have clowns!  The students seemed to appreciate both messages.  The vending machines are the same machines already in use at WA and the types of available products can be found at Fresh Healthy Vending. The success at WA lead the food services department to ask us to consider including them at Stony Brook, as well.  The contents of the machines are on the healthy side of snack foods and will be available until 8:00 am and after 2:00 pm for the time being.  The students were very enthusiastic about that part of my announcement.  Then, I discussed my personal aversion to clowns and apologized if any of them were related to professional clowns or had goals of becoming a clown.  I made it expressly clear (tapping into the current 6th grade vocab list) that we will not allow any clowns at Stony Brook...well, at least of the costumed/ masked is difficult to not consider the antics of most middle schoolers as clownish...the overwhelming response was that most of them did not like the ideas of clowns at school either.   I informed them that while the social media frenzy has been new to them, the creepy clown videos have been around for quite a long time now and there is more rumor and hoax than anything else.  

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

Stony Brook has created its own TED-Ed club. Students will be meeting once a month to build their own message and create their own videos.  Students will learn a combination of public speaking and animation skills. The club will have its first meeting this Tuesday after school in the Library. If you have any questions about the club, please reach out to Mrs. Smith,, or Ms. Femino, .
What is TED-Ed?

"TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Everything we do supports learning — from producing a growing library of original animated videos , to providing an international platform for teachers to create their own interactive lessons, to helping curious students around the globe bring TED to their schools and gain presentation literacy skills, to celebrating innovative leadership within TED-Ed’s global network of over 250,000 teachers. TED-Ed has grown from an idea worth spreading into an award-winning education platform that serves millions of teachers and students around the world every week" (TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing).

Special thank you to all of the parents who helped supply 7th grade students with boxes of tissues for the recent Tissue Wars competition.  They collected 294 boxes of tissues which were distributed to all of our classes to help prepare for the sniffles and sneezes that are beginning to echo through the, this update does not seem virus free at all...   

Speaking of spreading stuff from our heads...we will be hosting a parent informational night for the 8th grade Washington DC trip on October 19 from 6-7  here in the Stony Brook auditorium.  It is not mandatory to attend, but it is a good opportunity to get questions answered and hear directly form the coordinators about the logistics of the trip.  If you are not able to attend, information will be available in the main office for students to pick up and bring home, as well...if you are willing to chance that form of delivery :?)

Important information from the WPS HR department:

Classroom Substitutes Needed
The Westford Public Schools are looking for classroom substitutes (Preschool - 12).  If you are interested in applying, please click here( ) and scroll down to the Substitute Button.

Wow, the running theme of this update makes me really appreciate this long weekend!

I hope it is relaxing for all,


Grilling into an update! (posted on SB website 9/30)

The weather was not ideal, but the Cookout was well received by all...including three special visitors: a crow, a seagull, and a little bitty field mouse. Each grade had a special animal visitor appear while the students were enjoying their extended time outside looking up at the clouds and breathing in the nice cool fresh air.  The 7th graders volunteered to lend a hand helping to clean up some of the stray lunch items that had been liberated by the wind during the 6th and 8th grade lunches.  We thanked them for their assistance and gave them even more time to enjoy themselves outside before heading inside to class.  I was very proud of all three grades as they consistently thanked all of the adults involved in putting this special celebration together for them.  Special thanks goes out to our entire Cafeteria Staff for organizing and preparing everything and Mr. Harbaum and Mr. Scott for setting up the grill and tables.

6th grade Curriculum Night was very well attended last evening and I hope everyone there enjoyed it as much we did.  If you sent a representative from your household and he or she did not return until very late in the evening...I did get long-winded and will support whatever time they said the event ended:?)  I want to thank all of the parents who were able to join us last night or the week before for our 7th & 8th Grade Curriculum Night; my apologies to anyone who attended both and had to listen to my jokes twice.  The purpose of the events is to Open Communication and give parents a glimpse of what the students are experiencing on regular strange sense of humor is one of those things they learn to endure, as well...unfortunately, the Grizzly Adams reference would be completely lost on them.

As mentioned again last night, coming soon to a theater near you...

Join The Westford Education Foundation For A Screening Of Beyond Measure
Westford prides itself on the many talented educators, rich resources, and tiered supports the school system offers students to meet the needs of all learners. The school system continuously reflects on daily efforts to enhance and maintain the best teaching practices in an ever-changing world. Over the past several years, Westford Public Schools have placed a strong emphasis on students’ personal growth, inquiry-based learning, social and emotional development, and tapping into students’ interests. But could more be done?
Those are just some of the topics highlighted in the new documentary, Beyond Measure, a follow up to Race To Nowhere. Sponsored by the Westford Education Foundation, the film will be shown on Thursday, October 13, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the Westford Academy Performing Arts Center. A panel discussion will be held following the film, which is free and open to the public.
The Westford Education Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to innovative educational initiatives and life-long learning. For more information, contact Mary Anne Seraphin at or go to

Today felt like October.  That's all I have to say about that.

Have a great weekend,


A blurry eyed update (posted on SB website 9/30)

I would like to say that this morning came early because of the riveting conversations taking place in the parking lots following last night's curriculum night.  While it was fun to joke about additional social events that could add to the enjoyment of curriculum night for many of the adults, it was truly my attempt to stay awake and watch "the game" that made it difficult for me to muster my normal enthusiasm for starting the day today.  I was glad to learn this morning that my failure to remain engaged did not negatively impact the outcome of the event...the game that is...not the curriculum event.  I was fully focused and engaged in the curriculum event!  Well, engaged perhaps not always focused...for those of you who might remember the Braveheart tangent.

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for last night's Curriculum Night.  It was very well attended and there were plenty of smiles both entering and exiting the building which I use as a formative assessment to help determine enjoyment.  If you were forcing a smile for social conventions, I appreciate your effort!

Speaking of efforts, our student gardeners have been helping our consultant from FreshStart gardens harvest some of our fall crop.  On the first day of fall, I was able to enjoy a kale salad after visiting the 6th grade lunch for a few minutes.  It was delicious and made me feel less guilty for only having an organic pop-tart with my coffee earlier in the morning.

We received a congratulatory email from another school this week following our cross country meet.  The competing school praised our 8th graders for the excellent job they did leading the course walk prior to the meet.  They were so impressed and inspired by our students' leadership that they are going to start asking their 8th graders to lead their course walks before their home meets. Just one excellent example of how our middle school students can #SBtheChange!

While I am on the subject of 8th graders, the parent information night for the Washington DC trip is scheduled for Oct 19 from 6-7.  It is not mandatory and information will be made available for anyone not able to attend, as well, but it is a good opportunity to hear from the coordinators and get questions answered.

Seventh grade was deep into their archeological dig this week and the parents experienced the joy of locating and traveling to the third floor of the building last night.  Fun had by all!

For those of you looking for more things to add to your schedule, we have two open parent positions on our School Advisory Council which meets once a month on the first Tuesday afternoon from 2:30-3:30 here at Stony Brook.  The Council's primary responsibility is two develop and monitor the School Improvement Plan each year.  The Council is made up of parent, faculty and committee representatives.  If you would be interested in participating in the council, please contact me via email before next Weds September 28, 2016.  If we have more volunteers than available positions, we will work the WMSPTO to conduct online elections to fill the spots.

Please note very important event taking place this weekend at Westford Academy:

At the Westford Academy Boy's Varsity Soccer Game on Saturday, September 24th, students will pay tribute to classmate Matt Roberge and to the sport he loved. As many WA Boy's Soccer fans know, the program suffered a tragic loss in August with the passing of 16 year old Matt Roberge after his courageous battle with leukemia.  Matt, who would have been starting his Junior year at Westford Academy this fall, is dearly missed by his teammates as well as by the entire Westford community. At the start of the game against Chelmsford, members of the Junior Class will release 21 balloons to honor the #21 jersey that Matt proudly wore during his time as a player.  
The Varsity game will be played at Westford Academy's Trustee Stadium at 7pm against Chelmsford.  All gate receipts will be donated to the Matthew Roberge Scholarship Fund.  The WA Boy's JV game vs. Chelmsford will be played at 5pm.  Please join us to support this wonderful cause, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and our WA Athletes.

During last night's 7th & 8th grade Curriculum Night, I mentioned the upcoming opportunity to see the film Beyond Measure at Westford Academy.  Here is the information:

Join The Westford Education Foundation For A Screening Of Beyond Measure
Westford prides itself on the many talented educators, rich resources, and tiered supports the school system offers students to meet the needs of all learners. The school system continuously reflects on daily efforts to enhance and maintain the best teaching practices in an ever-changing world. Over the past several years, Westford Public Schools have placed a strong emphasis on students’ personal growth, inquiry-based learning, social and emotional development, and tapping into students’ interests. But could more be done?
Those are just some of the topics highlighted in the new documentary, Beyond Measure, a follow up to Race To Nowhere. Sponsored by the Westford Education Foundation, the film will be shown on Thursday, October 13, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the Westford Academy Performing Arts Center. A panel discussion will be held following the film, which is free and open to the public.
The Westford Education Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to innovative educational initiatives and life-long learning. For more information, contact Mary Anne Seraphin at or go to
My apologies to all of the parents of 6th graders who feel left out of any attempt at humor in this email regarding last night's event.  Consider it a teaser for this week's 6th Grade Curriculum Night Thursday, September 29 starting at 6:00pm.

Have a great weekend!


Extra Vitamin D Update (posted on SB website 9/16)

Everyone looked so nice today for school pictures that we decided on an impromptu parade outside in the glorious sunshine.  Well, the Fire Alarm system really made that decision for us, but in an effort to model flexibility and patience, we are choosing to consider it a parade #SBtheCHANGE.  We were happy to see our friends from both the Fire and Police Departments; we just weren't expecting it when we started the day or when we scheduled School Pictures in the first place.  The folks from O'Connor studio were also very flexible even though they did not plan on spending as much time with us today either.  The Fire department determined it was a faulty sensor and allowed us all to go back inside...much to everyone's dismay as the additional opportunity to commune with nature was not disappointing any of us.

Hopefully, you were able to read the Challenge Success memo that was sent out yesterday.  The embedded link to their website will help direct you if you are looking for more information.  If you missed the memo, it is posted on our website.  We are planning to conduct the surveys over the course of one of our 6-day cycles in October.  Students at Stony Brook will be able to participate in the survey during one of their Health classes.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

Next Thursday night, September 22, we will be holding our 7th & 8th grade Curriculum Night here at Stony Brook starting at 6:00.  Students will be creating copies of their schedules for parents to use during the evening. The plan is that they will bring home a copy for you to have...let's see how that plays out.  We will have back-ups here if the piece of paper magically disappears between 9 Farmer Way and your residence :?)

If you would like to see a rough copy of the evening schedule, you can access them here (please note each grade is following a different schedule and the 6th grade night is on September 29): SB Curriculum Night Schedules

It was a long week with five full days, but we made it!  Get some rest this weekend and encourage your kids to do so, as well.  Apparently, the plan is to continue with five full days for quite a while.

We have a number of community announcements and upcoming events listed below; please take some time to read them and consider participating.

Have a great weekend,
