Monday, February 29, 2016

A Lovely Update

First of all, I would like thank all of the phenomenal bakers and organizers who supported the WMSPTO Sweet for Teachers event.  The goodies were tremendous and clearly took skill and care to create!  With this drastic turn of weather, it was not only much appreciated, but also a great opportunity to potentially pack away some tasty calories if hibernation is in the near future.  It was lovely!

Many of the students expressed how lovely the impromptu long weekend was as well as they prepared for this longer break.  The ability to pace oneself is important and the shock of an entire week off could have negative effects on some regardless of the location.  During a leadership meeting this week, the superintendent shared with us that he will start sending out an email notification using the email listserves (such as this) if we have any more school cancellations in addition to notifying the TV stations and posting the announcement on the district website. Phone calls at 5:00 am while might bring joy to students ( who rarely hear the phone anyway) can create unnecessary agita for soundly sleeping adults.

On a personal note, I had a lovely treat over the weekend in that a group of 40 students and parents involved in our theater program traveled into Boston on Sunday to watch a production of Sondheim on Sondheim in which I have been performing.  When given the opportunity to talk with some of the actors after the show, the Stony Brook students made us all proud with their astute questions and insightful comments.  No surprise there!

A lovely video was shared with me recently that I thought I would pass on as well as it deals directly with one of the many benefits of the upcoming vacation: the importance of relaxing and rejuvenation.  The video deals more with the dangers of stress, but if can watch the 5 minute video you will see it is encouraging as to how taking the time to focus on your breathing can result in great rewards.  Ted Ed Results of Stress on the Brain

Representatives from Westford Academy visited our 8th graders this week in preparation of the course selection process.  I hope parents of 8th graders were able to attend the information night this past Weds.  The teacher recommendations are available to review at this time and when we return from break 8th grade students will have the week to discuss placement recommendations and select elective courses for next year at WA.  If you have any questions, please let us know and if we are not able to answer them we will direct you to the appropriate resources at WA as we prepare to support our 8th graders transition to high school.

When we get back from the break, I will get back into the regular routine of sharing glimpses from various classes and each grade levels activities to help give you a slice of our week as I make my rounds throughout the building.

If you are available and have not spent all of your budgeted dining-out options on Valentine's Day (that was my subtle reminder for anyone who might in get in trouble for me), please consider supporting the Washington DC Scholarship program by visiting the 99 Restaurant on Feb 16. It would be lovely! They are asking that participants use the coupon found at this link: 99 Restaurant Fundraiser

Please get some rest and do your best to stay healthy over the break.

Have a lovely vacation,


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